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Re: your mail

This is not correct. (Netscape 2.0beta2, Sunos 4.14).  Turn off Java,
go to http://www.tripleg.com.au:80/staff/scott/

The bug that let you do this has been fixed in Beta3, but I'd take
with several grains of salt the assertion you can turn off JavaScript.


Michael Kerr wrote:

| On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, jon madison wrote:
| > anyone know more about the security of java/livescript (mocha, whatever)?
| > i've already heard of a big flaw that was plugged for the latest 2.0beta
| > that would allow a javascript author to save a history of the
| > clients travels on the web.  are there any other potential dangers?
| > 
| > i really don't like the fact that this java script is not something
| > that cannot be chosen to be turned off by the browser, can be embedded in
| > html pages, etc.
| They can.  If you go through the Netscape 2.0b Options menu and look under 
| Security | General, it gives you the option to turn Java off.  
| Mike.
"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."
